How Long Does Pain After Circumcision Last?

The degree of pain following circumcision depends on the type of procedure. Although rare,
there is a possibility of pain and infection. The pain will be more intense in younger patients.
There are two main causes for pain after circumcision. A general rule is that pain will last for two
to three weeks. For advice, contact your doctor if you are experiencing severe pain.
Incision sites may have blood-tinged draining in some cases. This will show up in the diaper,
and you should soak the incision site in clear warm water for 5 to 10 minutes every day. This is
important to avoid crusting the penis’ tip. It also helps to keep the incision clean. The pain will
not last long, even though the area may feel tender. This is because the circumcision is a routine

After circumcision, you’ll likely be advised to avoid strenuous activities for a few days. In
addition, you may not be able to have sex for four to six weeks. Your doctor can advise you how
to care the area in the first few weeks and six weeks. The pain from circumcision will subside in
a few weeks. An anti-inflammatory drug prescription may be prescribed to help with the pain and
prevent infection.

While it is not advised to engage in sexual activity immediately following circumcision, you must
avoid alcohol for the first week. You may become dehydrated and the local anaesthetic might not
work as well as it can cause you to drink alcohol. It is best to avoid lifting heavy objects or
working in a sedentary position if you decide to get circumcised. You won’t be allowed to have
sex after about a week. However, it is safe and comfortable to walk around and do exercises to
reduce swelling.

You can bathe your son in one week after circumcision. However, you should not rush to get into
bed. If there is excessive bleeding, it is not a sign to be concerned about changing the dressing
too soon. It is best to avoid sexual activity for at least two to four weeks after circumcision. Even
then, you can still use condoms until your scar heals completely.

After circumcision, your baby may be fussy and irritable for a couple days. The penis will likely
be sore and a yellow crust will form on top of it. The crust should disappear in a few days. It may
take up to 10 days for the wound to fully heal. Warm water can be offered to your baby while the
wound heals. The penis may feel tender for up to three weeks.

In addition to post-surgical pain, you may experience balanoposthitis, an infection of the
foreskin. This can lead to difficulty passing urine. Your doctor may recommend surgery or
circumcision to remove the foreskin if you have frequent posthitis. It may be easier to amputation
than to repair the foreskin. To avoid serious complications, you should seek medical attention
immediately if you experience excessive bleeding following circumcision.
If you experience any of these issues, consult your pediatric urologist right away. Revision
circumcision may be necessary for your child. This minor procedure is done with local numbing
medicine. Adhesions can reappear if the extra skin is not removed. If you don’t treat the extra
skin, your circumcised genital area will look exactly like the one you removed.

Many people circumcise their children as a matter of course, but adults can also do it for
religious, cultural, or medical reasons. Under local anesthesia, adult men can have circumcision.
This procedure is shorter than a baby’s circumcision and takes around thirty to forty minutes.
The type and length of the procedure will impact the recovery process. A doctor can recommend
the best option for you. You should also ask your doctor if you will need to have another
circumcision done to remove your foreskin.

After circumcision, the area around the penis will be covered with a bandage to help reduce
swelling. To maximize compression, it’s best that the bandage is changed every two to three
days. This will prevent the bandage from sticking on the healing skin. To reduce infection risk,
the bandage should be removed and cleaned with lukewarm water. After the healing period, you
can remove your bandage. There will be some swelling and pain, but not as severe as when the
penis was removed while the skin is still on the opposite side.

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